Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Jimmy Z Productions Las Vegas Social Network Free No limits on how many friends: Fund Raiser for CANCER

Jimmy Z Productions Las Vegas Social Network Free No limits on how many friends: Fund Raiser for CANCER: Jimmy Z Productions Las Vegas Trying to Raise money for Cancer before Christmas cgi-bin/ webscr?cmd=_flow&SESSIO...

Fund Raiser for CANCER

Really ? Do we live in the land of the fee ? Or only when it is convenient  for the government . Give that man his dam fish back or the money you  are stealing from him . That guy should have stuck a freaking hook in the fishes mouth , but I am sure he didn't think the government would steal it from him .We can  not move around like you think . Try marring someone from a different country then tell me how you feel .We are all just aliens here on this earth we are not free to roam as we please. Wow,now they tell us how we can catch fish .

Friday, November 18, 2011

Welcome to our new page.

We are under construction, please grow with us . Pass this on to as many friends as you like . We will never stop you from adding friends like facebook does. This can be our own new social network without restrictions on how many friends you can have. Add your comments today help design if you like . Jimmy Z